Programming ABAP in ERP

ü  SAP uses ABAP to implement its own applications on the NetWeaver ABAP platform, and SAP customers use ABAP to modify the functionality of SAP applications or build their own on the NetWeaver ABAP platform. ABAP is not all about programming only, yet it involves database operations, SQL queries, legal industry documents creation (SMARTFORMS, SAP scripts)

366 Students


Chapter 1: ERP Introduction

Unit 1: ERP Overview

-        ERP Concept History

-        Why ERP

-        ERP brands and products


Unit 2: Specialization ERP Track Overview

-        History

-        Products and Industry Packages

-        System Navigation and Login

-        System Concept

-        Sales Order Management

-        Procurement Cycle

-        Customer Relationship management

-        Enterprise Assets Management

-        Program and Project Management

-        Human Capital Management

-        Analytics

Unit 2: Programing General Concept

-        Programming Overview

-        Common Programming Concept


Chapter 2- Configuration


1. Architecture of an SAP System

1.1 Introduction to the Three-Tier Architecture   

1.2 SAP Implementation Overview           

1.3 Data Structures         


2. Introduction to the ABAP Environment

2.1. SAP Environment

2.2 ABAP Workbench Overview


3. ABAP Programming Concepts                                                                             

3.1 General Program Structure 

3.2 ABAP Syntax

3.3 Introduction to the TYPE Concept
3.4 ABAP Statements

3.5 Creating Your First ABAP Program

4. Structures and Internal Tables

4.1 Defining Structures

4.2 Internal Tables

4.3 Introduction to Open SQL Statements

4.4 Processing Data from Databases via Internal Tables and Structures

4.5 Introduction to the Debugger
4.6 Practice


5. ABAP Data Dictionary      

5.1 Database Tables


5.3 Data Types

5.4 Type Groups

5.5 Domains

5.6 Search Helps

5.7 Lock Objects


6. Modularization Techniques

6.1 Modularization Overview

6.2 Program Structure                  

6.3 Event

6.4 Procedures

6.5 Inline Declarations


7. Selection Screens

7.1 Defining Selection Screens

7.2 Selection Screen Events

7.3 Input Validations

7.4 Selection Screen Variants

7.5 Executing Programs in the Background

7.6 Displaying and Hiding Screen Elements Dynamically

7.7 Calling Programs via Selection Screens


8. List Screens

8.1 Program Types

8.2 Program Execution

8.3 Memory Organization

8.4 List Events

8.5 Basic Lists and Detail Lists

8.6 Classical Reports

8.7 Interactive Reports

8.8 Practice


9. ALV Reports

9.1 Standard ALV Reports Using the Reuse Library

9.2 Interactive Reports

9.3 ALV Reports Using the Control Framework


10. Forms

10.1 Smart Forms

10.2 SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe


Target Audience

ü  Technology Consultants responsible for the implementation and operation of SAP systems

ü  IT members responsible for monitoring and support the programming in SAP Systems.


44 - Basic to Intermediate

L.E 6300

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