كيف تصبح استشاري SAP ناجح؟ إليك بعض النصائح الأساسية.

لتصبح استشاري SAP عليك أن تخوض عملية تنمية متواصلة تتطلب منك الحرص على تطويرالذات باستمرار على مستويات متعددة. وعلى الرغم من أن زيادة معرفتك بالSAP  أمر في غاية الأهمية، قد تصبح هذه المعرفة بلا جدوى إذا حصلها الاستشاري بدون التمكن من المهارات الشخصية. ولذلك، فإن التفوق في معرفة الSAP مع تنمية المهارات الشخصية يجب أن يكون هدف كل استشاري مبتدئ يسعى إلى النجاح في هذا المجال. وفيما يلي تفصيل لبعض النقاط الأساسية التي ننصح أن يركز عليها استشاري الSAP فيما يتعلق بمعرفة الSAP والمهارات الشخصية.

1.    معرفة الSAP:
أ- معرفة التطبيق "
Module": لدى SAP العديد من التطبيقات المصممة لتغطية كافة جوانب الأعمال التجارية. فلا بد أولاً أن يكون الاستشاري المعتمد في التطبيق على دراية تامة ومفصلة بتطبيقه وما يمكن أن يقدمه وكيف يستخدمه أفضل استخدام. وهذه المعرفة التقنية من شأنها أن تزيد من الفعالية والإنتاج.

ب-  معرفة مجال العميل: يتعامل استشاريو SAP  مع مجالات مختلفة (صناعية، تجارية، خدمية، إلخ...) وكل منها له عملياته وإجراءاته المميزة. فبالتأكيد، تختلف العمليات والإجراءات القائمة في مصنع سيارات، على سبيل المثال، اختلافًا كليًا عن تلك القائمة في شركة أدوية. ولذلك فإن من الضروري جدًا أن يدرس الاستشارييون مجال العميل الذي يتعاملون معه ويكونوا على إلمام وفهم بأدق تفاصيله. وتلك المعرفة من شأنها أن تساعدهم في اختيار أفضل الممارسات best-practice لكل صناعة. وحتى في مجال الصناعة الواحدة، فلكل عميل متطلباته المختلفة. يجب أن يعرف الاستشارييون عملاءهم وما ينتظرونه من SAP تحديدًا، وما هي إجراءات عملهم ومتطلباته وعملياته.

ج- معرفة أحدث صيحات
SAP: تقدم SAP منتجات جديدة وتكنولجيات حديثة باستمرار. وحتى يواكب الاستشارييون هذا التطور، لا بد لهم أن يحرصوا على تجديد معرفتهم بأحدث منتجات SAP ومتابعة كل جديد يطرأ في هذا المجال.

2.      المهارات الشخصية:
أ- مهارات التقديم: يقضي استشاريو
SAP الكثير من الوقت في تقديم العروض التوضيحية وتنظيم الدورات التدريبية التي تتطلب قوة مهارات العرض. ولذلك، فمن المهم جدًا أن يكون الاستشاري متمكنًا من مهارات العرض التي تساعده على بيع منتج SAP وإقناع العميل والنجاح كمدرب.

ب- مهارات التفاوض: يحتاج استشاريو
SAP إلى تحديد متطلبات العميل بدقة والتفاوض معه لإقناعه بتطبيق أفضل الممارسات بالنسبة لصناعته.

ج- مهارات الكتابة: من الضروري أن يتمتع الاستشارييون بمهارات كتابية عالية، حيث يُطلب منهم أن يقوموا بالكثير من عمليات التوثيق. فكثيرًا ما يكون عليهم إعداد تحليلات GAP ومخططات أولية وسجلات العميل وغير ذلك من الأعمال الورقية. ولهذا فإن القدرة على التوثيق الجيد أمر أساسي بالنسبة للاستشاري.

د- مهارات العمل الجماعي والتواصل الفعال: إن تفعيل برنامج
SAP يستحيل أن يقوم به شخص واحد، فعادة ما يكون عملية طويلة تشمل الكثير من الأشخاص الذين يعملون معًا على جوانب مختلفة. وهو ما يجعل التواصل الجيد والتعاون والتنسيق بينهم أمرًا أساسيًا لتحقيق أهداف التفعيل المرجوة وزيادة الفعالية والإنتاج.

تحقيق النجاح في مهنة استشاري SAP أمرًا بسيطًا وسهل المنال، فهي مهنة مليئة بالتحديات وتتطلب العمل على تطوير الكثير من المهارات والكفاءات في نفس الوقت، إضافة إلى تنمية معرفة الSAP  والمهارات الشخصية. ولكن كل من ينجح في تحقيق ذلك سيجدها، حتمًأ، مهنة مجزية وجديرة بالعناء.


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Is it better to work for a SAP customer or a SAP vendor?

SAP consultants can either choose to work for a SAP vendor (like SAP itself or one of its partners who provide SAP implementations) or work for a SAP customer (like any company or enterprise that purchases and implements SAP software). If you're wondering which side is better to work for, we can't give you one fixed answer; since it's a highly personal question. We can only tell you about the perks and pitfalls of each and let you decide for yourself. In the following, we'll compare between the two sides as per experience, salaries and work pressure in both.


Whether you choose to work for a customer or a vendor, you'll definitely gain a lot of experience. The difference, however, lies in the depth of that experience. On one hand, working for a SAP vendor will give you a broad (but not deep) experience in different industries, since you'll be carrying out implementations for a wide range of customers. On the other hand, working for a SAP customer means dealing with only one industry, which will give you a deep and detailed experience in it. It is also important to put in mind that working for a vendor will enrich your SAP knowledge and keep you posted with the latest SAP updates, while working for a customer will enrich your industrial knowledge but won't necessarily keep your SAP knowledge up-to-date.


In most cases, you'll probably get a higher salary if you work for a customer.

Work pressure

Working for a SAP vendor is, generally, more challenging and stressful. This is because in this case, consultants are always committed to preset schedules and deliverables. They have to achieve certain goals within a limited time frame, which can make their jobs more stressful. As for consultants who work for a customer, it isn't that stressful. Normally, the work pressure increases by the end of the year as consultants prepare for closing. Otherwise, they usually have a relaxed time frame.


If you're up for a challenging career that will introduce you to different businesses and industries, consider working for a SAP vendor. If you feel more comfortable with stability and specialty, and believe that experience is measured by depth rather than width, than go for the second choice. In either case, make sure you keep learning and enjoying. 


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Difference Between SAP User and SAP Consultant

When it comes to job positions related to SAP, a lot of people seem to have some mixed-up ideas. It is extremely important for people who are interested in learning about SAP, or want to pursue a career in ERP, to first understand these basic differences. So, we will try to clarify below some of the main roles and responsibilities of a SAP consultant compared to those of an end-user.  

SAP consultants
To put it simply, consultants build the system. They are responsible for implementing, configuring and supporting SAP modules along with ensuring customer satisfaction. Consultants analyze the existing business processes and requirements of a client, recommend and develop solutions to best meet the client's needs. Consultants are also expected to provide detailed knowledge of the industry they are dealing with to ensure best-practice. Moreover, they are responsible for customizing, modifying, or updating the already installed SAP system. Finally, SAP consultants need to constantly develop their skills, update their knowledge, take courses and gain certifications to keep in pace with the rapid changes in their field.

SAP end-users
As Ramona Winkler, a user-experience researcher in SAP, puts it: "An end user is the person for whom an application has been designed and developed. In the context of enterprise software, the end user is thus the person who performs business tasks using functions of this application for which this application has been created." (Winkler, 2014). The end-user, therefore, uses the system to add or collect business relevant data. End users benefit from the system by performing their business tasks on it.

To sum it up, consultants are like the engineers who design, build and test a car. End-users are the ones who drive it and benefit from it. End-users are not required to have as much technical knowledge as consultants; yet, they must be trained and must have enough computer skills and knowledge to allow them to efficiently use the system.

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SAP HANA is an in-memory database management system developed by SAP. Its primary function as a database server is to store and retrieve data as requested by the applications. In addition, it performs advanced analytics (predictive analytics, spatial data processing, text analytics, text search, streaming analytics, graph data processing) and includes extract, transform, load (ETL) capabilities as well as an application server.


How is SAP HANA different?

"In a traditional Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), data is stored on-disk; if the RDBMS needs to access information, it must first load that data into memory, which is a relatively slow process. As an in-memory database, SAP HANA isn’t limited by the speed of the hard drive; your ERP data is already in memory, so SAP HANA can read, change or add new data almost instantly." (Gaska, 2018)


How SAP HANA works

SAP Hana stores data primarily in the form of columns which speeds up transactions and enables it to deliver instantaneous analytics. It offers better access to data with faster processing compared to traditional, row-based memory.


SAP HANA features and benefits


1.     Database services: SAP HANA benefits by combining OLAP and OLTP databases into one structure. This shrinks the database footprint, removes redundant information, changes index design, simplifies the architecture and allows businesses to analyze nearly any data on the fly (Gaska, 2018). It helps organizations take action in the moment and manage large database volumes.

2.     Advanced Analytics Processing: offers new insights from advanced analytics processing by leveraging in-memory data processing capabilities – text, predictive, spatial, graph, streaming, and time series – which helps in making smart, real-time decisions.

3.     App Development: Allows for developing next-generation applications that combine analytics and transactions, as well as deploying them on any device.

4.     Data Access: Allows organizations to gain a complete and accurate view of their businesses by accessing data from any source – internal or external. Users can access data where it’s located, integrate or replicate relevant data into SAP HANA, and ensure data quality to increase confidence in decision making.

5.     Administration: Helps organizations simplify system administration and IT operations with tools that allow them to monitor processes, ensure data and application security, and achieve continuous availability.

6.     Security: Keeps communications, data storage, and application services secure with identity and access management controls. It also offers a dashboard to monitor all KPIs related to security. 


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What is SAP Business one

Most people believe that SAP only offers business solutions for large enterprises and many owners of small businesses think that they are "too small to run a SAP system". It is true that SAP Business Suite –one of the main SAP products- is designed only for large enterprises. Normally, the same system that is designed to be run by thousands of users would not fit for a small company with only a dozen users. However, SAP realized the need for a completely different product for this market to be more efficient, affordable and easy to implement. That's why; SAP came up with SAP Business One (B1). Now, approximately 77% of SAP's customer base consists of small business.
SAP B1 is a modern ERP solution designed specifically for Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) that want a streamlined implementation and fast return on investment. It is designed to be rapidly implemented, easily supported, and quickly customized to your unique business process rather than you having to change your business to fit the solution.


Key benefits of SAP B1:

  1. Eliminates duplicate data entry, errors and costs.
  2. Makes managing revenue, expenses and most importantly, Cash Flow, easy and fast so you can quickly respond to changing business and market conditions.
  3. Gives you greatly enhanced access to the right information at the right time so you and your company can make the best business decisions.

4.      Supports your changing needs – With easy-to-use customization tools and over 550 add-on solutions, Business One can be flexibly tailored and extended to meet your specific business needs.

5.      Grants secure browser-based access from anywhere, at any time.

6.      Incorporates Comprehensive sales and service functions.

SAP Business One modules:

Some of the core modules and functionalities of SAP B1 include:

  • Financial Management– SAP Business One offers a complete set of tools for streamlined financial operations to help businesses improve margins, reduce errors and enable more profitable decision-making. These tools include accounting, a fixed asset management system, banking and reconciliation features, and financial reporting and analysis.
  • Sales and Customer Management– with this tool, users can oversee the complete sales process and customer lifecycle from initial contact to final sale, after-sales service and support. This feature offers tools to address sales and opportunity management, marketing campaign management, customer management, service management, reporting and analysis, and mobile sales.
  • Purchasing and Inventory Control– this features improves purchasing practices and controls costs by enabling users to manage the complete order-to-pay cycle, including receipts, invoices, returns and payments. This tool includes master data management, streamlined procurement processes, accounts payable, warehouse and accounting integration as well as the ability to generate integrated reports with real-time data.
  • Business Intelligence– this feature enables users to create timely, customizable and accurate reports based on data from across the business. Users can create reports using intuitive tools, analytics with predefined metrics and data visualizations.
  • Analytics and Reporting– this module lets users make better business decisions by capturing all the critical data in real time and making it instantly available company-wide via dashboards and reports.



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